Monday, January 4, 2010

2010 Mother of the Year was out the window by noon on January 1st!

On New Years Eve, which ended for me at 10:00pm, Justin and I talked about all the things that were going to be better in 2010. Of course our first one is health. We need him and Jackson to spend the year out of the hospital, emergency room and doctor’s offices. We talked about how excited we were for Camryn to arrive and we pray for a healthy, perfect little girl. We would like the house to sell so we can get settled into Van as soon as possible and get the new house built. Overall we just wanted it to start out being a great year.

Well we started it off by going to Lowe’s. After Justin’s surgery and emergency room visit he was ready to get out of the house. Well of course Lowe’s was packed and we waited in line forever with a very active 15 month old. Finally I got sick of the cashier taking forever so I told Justin to give me the keys and we were going to the car. Well of course Jackson took the keys and he has happy so I let him play with them. I put him in his seat, took the keys and chunked them in the front seat and got out of the back, shut the door and tried to open my door. Well Jackson had locked the car while playing with the keys. I can’t explain the feeling of helplessness that came over me in a matter of a second. I am staring at Jackson in his seat drinking his juice with no way of getting to him. Justin walks up right as I do it and I start telling him to call 911. He is trying to process it and decide if 911 is who we call but after saying it over and over, we call 911. They tell us they will send a locksmith and an officer, it is not hot outside so as long as he is fine and in his seat and can’t hurt himself, he will be fine for a few minutes. Well of course he is pointing at us, laughing, having a great time and I am standing at the window crying my eyes out. The officer gets there and I swear is looking at me like “you are a horrible mother”. A few minutes later here comes the fire truck! As Justin stands there in his Marshall Fire Department hat he just looks at me like I am so embarrassed. Three fireman get out and start trying to get the door open. One is on top of the truck pulling it apart and another shoving the stick down there. Jackson is still happy as can be watching everything. Finally they get the door open and everyone is fine. Jackson never shed a tear but I felt horrible and cried enough for both of us. Needless to say we went home and he got a huge milkshake and tons of hugs and kisses and I learned my lesson on why babies don’t play with keys! I guess it makes since to start the year out with a drama filled day and I should just get over the fact that my life is busy and crazy and that is the way we like it!

1 comment:

  1. Don't be so hard on yourself!!:) I am sure you will look back and laugh one day, if you aren't already!! Life with boys...and you were right there the whole time so you are NOT a bad mother!!!
