Tuesday, January 19, 2010

My 30th Birthday

Well I really never thought the day would come that I would actually be 30, it just sounds so old. I realized though after a great weekend that I am so blessed with so many things that there is no way I could justify being depressed about being 30. I started the weekend off with a surprise baby shower thrown by my friends and family. I really was surprised which is amazing to me because I usually am so nosey and controlling that people can't surprise me! They did a wonderful job and Camryn will now be the best dressed baby around. Thank you to everyone!

After the shower Justin drove to Dallas and we had dinner with all of my friends. It was really nice to have a night away, although by 11:30 I was so ready to see Jackson I could hardly stand it. As soon as we got home I fell asleep in the bed cuddling with him. He had a great day with Papaw and came back in the same condition I left him in so I guess you passed the test Papaw!!

Then on Sunday we went to my mom and dad's for a "Birthday Party" which was actually a Cowboy game watching party, which we now realize was a waste of time. The kids played outside, we ate and had cake and went through all of Camryn's stuff. It was actually a pretty calm sunday, which is rare in our family!

Monday was my actual birthday, I stayed at mom and dad's on Sunday night and drove in Monday morning. I woke up to streamers hanging on my door like I used to have when I was little! They also got me the cutest white coat I have been wanting which my dad pointed out "this is for you to wear next year". Like I wasn't aware of the fact that there was no way it was buttoning! I then went to work and got beautiful flowers sent to me from Justin, went to lunch with a friend and dinner with Justin and Jackson. Jackson was absolutely perfect at Roadhouse, which is unusual for him at restaurants lately! I ended the night with the bachelor, cuddling with Jackson and trying to order my new camera (my birthday present), it wasn't working but I should get it ordered today! It was a great weekend that made me realize how blessed I am to have such wonderful friends and family.

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